
2020/2021年度 法人税申告書・雇用主支払報酬申告書について


To whom appoints us as Tax Representative




2020/2021年度 法人税申告書・雇用主支払報酬申告書について




①法人税の申告書(Profit Tax ReturnフォームBIR51) 及び、

②雇用主支払報酬申告書(Employer’s Return〔フォームBIR56A/B〕)

















【注】 弊社住所を登記事務所としてご利用いただいている場合は、弊社にて受領しご案内させていただきますので、特にご対応いただくことはございません。




“Profit Tax Return for the year assessment 2020/21


According to the IRD’s practice, 1) Profit Tax Return (BIR51) and 2) Employer’s Return (BIR56A/B), refer to the attached sample, for the year of assessment 2020/21 will be issued in early April, 2021.  The Returns should be submitted to the IRD within 1 month after the issue date.  In some cases, extension for the submission would be granted by the IRD. For 1) Profit Tax Return, if your company appointed us as Tax Representative, please pass it to our office as soon as possible, once you receive the Return at your office. For 2) Employer’s Return, please inform us if you would like to appoint us for filing services.



Please kindly note IRD’s schedule for issuance and due date are back to normal, there are no special arrangement due to Covid-19 at this moment.



【Update】* Please kindly note the IRD has announced at 29th March the tax return issuance arrangement and the block extension scheme which are summarized below.  In particular, please note that the N code due date is further extended to 31 May 2021.


*If your company uses our office’s address as registered address, we would receive the Return directly from the IRD.



Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact us.

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